August, 2011

Beyond the start line, spectators have to stay ¼ mile from the track; a 400MPH car goes that distance in just over 2 seconds so there is plenty of potential for a serious accident should one go wildly out of control. The distances mean a good spotting scope and telephoto lens are essential. My friend's brother announces departures on a low-power AM station so spectators down the track know when a car is coming.

Behind the start line, spectators can stand next to the cars if they stay behind the yellow tape or can stand behind the cars as long as they stay behind the signs like the one at the right of the picture at left. For the streamliner cars, the restricted area is barely a car length. For motorcycles, it is close enough to feel like one is getting a vigorous TSA pat-down if the driver backs off the throttle and the exhaust blast from each cylinder starts hitting one's clothing.