Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 15:01:00 -0800 (PST)
From: Karen Burfitt
Subject: Edmonds '64 Crucible
To: Gary Sager

Hi, Gary,

I'm Karen Burfitt, and I was student manager (or whatever they called it) on The Crucible. I was also the one who took those photos, and I have the negatives around somewhere. Thanks a lot for posting these links on the Edmonds '64 page--it's nice to know that someone else has fond memories of that play.

The person in the photo with you is indeed Charlotte Carroll.

In the scene2 pic, you're right about Gordy and John, and also that the women are Mardell (facing camera) and Janet. Don't worry about remembering faces--I zoomed in on the photo, and I can't figure out who the other guys are either.

As for the pic with Sue as Tituba, the blond in the foreground is Scott Jones. You can barely see Nancy Hahn behind him. The girl with her head turned looking up (at Mardell Palmer) is Karen Goranson.

Our drama teacher was Pat O'Brien, and his wife, Patsy, also was usually around rehearsals and dealing with scenery, etc. As I recall, opening night had been scheduled for November 22, the day JFK was shot. I think people made the right decision that in this case we had to ignore "The show must go on" and reschedule it.

Again, thanks for posting these photos. Hope you're happy and doing well, as am I.

Karen Burfitt