Searching Bridger Canyon Lodge

Using our search engine has the advantage that it is guaranteed to be up to date. For the nerdly, that means we grep the current set of pages when the Search button is pressed. Google, on the other hand, periodically scans our pages to create its indices and may be out of date because it has not scanned a page since it was changed or created. However, the Google search is sometimes useful since it allows more powerful pattern matching than we do.

We tell Google not to search some of our pages which are searched by our “Search Engine,” so we may find some things it does not. Conversely, we do not search some pages that Google does because they contain duplicate information.

Simple Patterns

Search patterns can be constructed as any string of alphabetic characters, numeric characters and the hyphen (aka minus sign). For example, bear, 196, 12th, and no-one are all legitimate search patterns. The case (upper or lower) of the search pattern or searched page text is not significant. For example, the search pattern Fred matches Fred, Alfredo, FRED, fred, .... If the word being searched for has variants, it may be best to search for a subset of the word; for example, grizz would find grizzly and grizzlies.

Match Case

Checking the Match Case box makes the case of characters in the search pattern and the searched page text significant. For example, the pattern Fred would match Frederica but not Alfred if case matching is specified.

Match Word

Checking the Match Word box will cause matching of complete words only. For example, the pattern fred would match Fred but not Alfredo or Frederica if word matching is specified.

Match Case and Word

Checking both the Match Case and Match Word boxes does what one should expect, based on the discussion of the two cases above.

Multi-word Patterns

If the search pattern is entered as words separated by a space, a match occurs only if the two words appear consecutively in the searched page text. For example, the pattern black bear would not match black grizzly bear*.
Warning: A pattern with blanks will not match page text if there are intervening alphabetic or numeric characters. Thus, blackish bear and black conibear would not be a match for our example pattern. However, jet-black bears would be a match (unless the Match Word box is checked), since the additional characters do not intervene.

Oldest First

Searches are normally in (approximately) reverse chronological order. That is, pages representing recent information tend to appear first. Checking the Oldest First box causes the search to favor pages representing older information.

Use the browser 'Back' button to resume searching

* This is unlike Google, which would match pages where black and bear occur anywhere unless the pattern is quoted.