When David Bertie Christie left Minnesota in 1883 to come west for his asthma, he was so ill he had to be carried off the train in Miles City. After a three hundred mile wagon trip to Bozeman, he was walking and feeling much better. He worked as a ranch hand in the [Gallatin] valley. His wife Emma Mary's nephew Myron Stratton had already established a homestead in Bridger Canyon and convinced David that the area was a good place to settle. .... the Christies moved into their own cabin, built another home for the senior Christies who came from Minnesota, planted a successful garden, and brought stock from town — chickens, sheep, and dairy cows. David Christie's son Will brought in more dairy cows; his business prospered and formed part of the founding base for the modern Darigold firm.
Bozeman and the Gallatin Valley: A History
(note: we purchased our land from the Christie estate)