From the snow patch,
a few relatively minor difficulties brought us to the Middle Peak.
We found a 35MM film can with the usual wad of paper and pencil stub.
There were 5 sets of names on the paper,
starting with Beckey and Schoening.
We added Dave Christensen's and Greg Markov's names to the register
(they had done the climb but had not found the register).
Then we added our own.
One of the climbs had been a solo while others were teams of two,
making us the 12th and 13th climbers on the summit,
remarkable for a mountain adjacent to a major highway.
The solo climb was done by Ed Cooper on a South-North Traverse.
One team had climbed the east face and one the west face,
so we were the 4th team to do the North-South Traverse.
It was too late to proceed,
so we spent another bivouac night.
We were completely out of water and ate snow to get some liquid.
A normal pace and good route finding would have had us back to the car by
this time;
now we were operating on our spare rations.