April through June, 2019

One of our commitments in PB was to be there for the birth of a new grand-daughter. The predicted date for her birth was early April so we left Bozeman late afternoon on March 27 hoping to make it for the birth. Still on the road March 29 we got a message that mother-to-be Xue was going to the hospital and would deliver soon. We arrived later that day to find things had slowed down; the baby (finally) arrived March 31. The baby's name is Jade Cheng Yu Chua.

Xue's parents arrived soon after the birth to help the new parents. Before they returned home, we had a party with a Chinese family tradition of making dumplings. Pictured here are Wenqing and Xiaolin (Xue's parents) with Paul, Jade and Xue in between and Pauline on the right. The way Wenqing prepared the dough for dumplings reminded us of the Pixar short film Bao (“Bun”). It has played as a short before several movies, but it is difficult to find online. Apparently, “bun” and “dumpling” are euphimisms for “baby” in both eastern and western culture!